Monthly Archives: July 2014

Listen up! Pay attention!

I hope that massive sign up there got your attention. It’s going to be about the only picture in this post, but suck it up. I consider this topic to be of the utmost importance, and if you take your own well-being seriously, you should too. Last week we talked about the importance of situational […]

Upcoming Changes!

Hey crazies, Keep checking in for new and exciting changes here at The AR-t of War. In the next few weeks, the blog will under-go a name change, the webpage will get a major facelift, hopefully some videos will be added, maybe a few new authors, and our first promotion/give away is in the works! […]

Walk Softly…

and carry a big stick. Right? I mean, that’s what we’ve always heard. Is it wrong? No, absolutely not. And in fact, it’s something I’d like to talk about briefly: decision making and situational awareness. Now, I’m a big advocate for situational awareness. Is it vitally important? The short answer is: yes. There’s just a few points […]

Handgun Trigger Types

I feel like I’m constantly encouraging you to incite arguments between you and your friends. First I asked you to argue about handgun calibers and then I asked you to get into it about shotgun loads. Well… here’s a third: Ask any well-studied handgun aficionado about their preferred trigger type. No, I’m not talking about trigger […]

Running the Gun – HD Shotgun Actions

It’s 2:00am.  You’re laying in bed, sound asleep with images of sugar plums dancing through your head. The stockings have been hung by the chimney with care, with the hopes that St. Nicholas soon will be there. CRACK!  Uh.. Santa?  Uh oh. As you hear the sound of the door frame being caved in and […]